From The Birmingham Jewish Federation
It was a fascinating discussion: Questions about Israel, grassroots democracy,
Jewish power, our Montclair Road Jewish community campus, relations between
Jews and Moslems and other topics were being asked by representatives of five
foreign countries who had come to our Levite Jewish Community Center to learn
more about the Birmingham Jewish community.
Visiting Birmingham as part of a multi-city tour last week
were government officials from Cameroon, Indonesia, Philippines, Tanzania and
Uganda. The group came through a
program developed by the Huntsville-based International Services Council in
partnership with the US State Department.
The purpose was to allow the international visitors to explore how
American democracy continues to answer the needs of citizens who increasingly
have diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Visitors had the chance
to see how citizens on the grassroots level can affect real change and how
people are involved with their respective communities.
The meetings with representatives of the Birmingham Jewish
community were arranged by the BJF’s Jewish Community Relations Committee. At the conclusion, the visitors gathered in
the LJCC board room to ask questions.
Shofwan Bin Abdul Karim, of heavily-Moslem Indonesia, who is
Chairman of the West Sumatra Provincial Office of Muhammadiyah, asked if the
relationship here between the Jewish and Moslem communities is good. The relationship between the two communities
is not bad per se, nor is it good, he was told.
It’s essentially non existent.
Discussion followed about how both Birminghamians and Americans perceive
Moslems. The group had been told by representatives of the Islamic community
they met during their US travels that Islam’s image in the US, in the wake of
9/11, is not good.
How can the LJCC fulfill its mission of being a Jewish
institution and still be open to people of other faiths? That was asked by
Abdulatiif Ssebaggala, a Member of Uganda’s Parliament. It was explained that America has a tradition
of medical and social service institutions, even those affiliated with a
particular faith, being open to people of all religions. Two local hospitals – St. Vincent’s and
Baptist Montclair – were mentioned as examples.
The representative from Cameroon, Theophile Nzeki, Senior
Civil Administrator, Secretary General of the East Province, said he had
recently seen a national Jewish gathering on television at which former
President Clinton and other leaders spoke and he remarked about how powerful
the American Jewish community seemed to be.
Jews are influential because America has been a great country for Jews;
America provides religious freedom, a free enterprise system in which ingenuity
and hard work are highly valued and opportunities for people to get an
education -- three things which have benefited Jews enormously, he was told.
He also asked if national Jewish institutions fund local
Jewish communities, such as Birmingham’s.
No, it is actually the opposite; that much of the money that funds these
national and international Jewish organizations is raised locally, often through
Jewish Federations.
The Ugandan representative asked how Jews have contributed
to the Middle East peace process and if that contribution has been, in his
words, negative or positive. Very
positively, was the answer. A commitment
to Israel and belief that it is in America’s interests to have a strong,
democratic Israel in the Middle East has motivated Jews to advocate for Israel,
which has resulted in even stronger support for Israel from the US
government. This American support has
made Israel feel more secure and comfortable with taking risks for peace.
The group had an awareness of how small the American Jewish
community is (about 2 percent of the overall population) and how small the
Birmingham Jewish community is in particular (about one half of one percent of
the overall metro population). The
Cameroon representative wanted to know if there were Jews involved here in
local government and also at the national level. These positions are not closed to Jews, he
was told, and Birmingham in fact at one point had a Jewish congressman (Ben
Erdreich.) There are also are a
significant number of Jews serving in both the US House and Senate.
The Cameroon delegate also said there is a perception in his
country that a candidate cannot be elected President in the US without Jewish
support. Others said there was a similar
perception in their countries. Jews are
influential politically in disproportion to their numbers, it was explained. This is due mainly to Jews being educated,
informed and willing to participate as Jews in the American political
process. They were surprised however, to
learn that President Bush got only 25 percent of the Jewish vote and John Kerry
received about 75 percent. “That’s what
we came for – the facts,” the Cameroon representative said, as he scribbled
down notes to take home.
The Ugandan wanted to know what role Jews played during the
civil rights era in Birmingham. Jews
essentially fell into two groups – those who actively and visibly tried to help
the black community and those who took no role. At the same time, it was pointed out, the
general white population fell into three groups – those who helped, those who took no role and those who actively
worked against the black community and participated in or encouraged the
violence. Jews were not part of that
third group.

As they left the briefing, several of the visitors stopped
and said how much they appreciated their visit to our community and two said
Their visit to our Jewish community included meetings with
Sherrie Grunfeld, Senior Services Coordinator, who introduced them to the
Levite Jewish Community Center Senior Center.
That was followed with lunch with senior citizens who are participants
in this program and recipients of LJCC senior services.
A meeting was then held with BJF Director of Programs Joyce
Spielberger to discuss the role of the BJF and the makeup of the Jewish
community campus overall, which, they learned, includes the NE Miles Jewish Day
School, Collat Jewish Family Services, Birmingham Jewish Foundation, Jewish
Community Relations Committee and other programs. They then had a tour with
Ruth Nomberg, Membership Services Director of the Levite Jewish Community
Center. A summary meeting offering the
opportunity for questions was held with BJF Executive Director Richard
Friedman. BJF staff assistant Lauren
Pyle also participated.
We thank Margaret Anne Goldsmith, of Huntsville, for
suggesting this international delegation visit our Jewish community and Luba
Cehelska, Executive Director, of the International Services Council in
Huntsville, for making this visit possible. Everyday in so many ways the BJF
strives to build greater understanding and greater sensitivity among others to
the issues important to us as a Jewish community.
Partcipants of IVLP US Gov on Grassroots Democracy o April, May, June 2005. They are
Partcipants of IVLP US Gov on Grassroots Democracy o April, May, June 2005. They are
Mosque Executive Chairman, Islamic Religious council of Singapore
INDONESIA: Shofwan BIN ABDUL KARIM, Chairperson of Muhammadiyah of West Sumatera Province
News Manager, Primedia (Radio 702)
SRI LANKA: Mahindananda
ALUTHGAMAGE, Deputy Minister of Power and Energy
TANZANIA: Halifa Hassan HIDA,
District Executive Director, Mufindi District Council
TUNISIA: Riadh Ben M"hamed
FERJANI, Associate Professor at Press Institute of Tunis
Member of Parliament, Parliament of Uganda
Moderator and Coordinator, Civic Forum Institute in Salfeet, West Bank
ZIMBABWE, Dennis MURIRA, Personal
Assistant/ National Chairman, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)
-- To explain the democratic form
of government in the U.S., and the significance of citizens' participation in
the democratic process;
-- To observe the activities of
citizen action groups that interact with U.S. elected officials at all levels
to influence political, social and economic change;
-- To explore the diversity of
views held by Americans and how this diversity contributes to a dynamic and
resilient political system.